Wednesday, December 8, 2010

treatment wetlands are a good option after natural disasters

Treatment wetlands are a good technology. This kind of treatment system could be implemented fastly after natural disasters. The tsunami of December 2004 destroyed infrastructure in many coastal areas in SouthEast Asia. In January 2005 the Danish Government gave a tsunami relief grant to Thailand to reestablish the wastewater management services in some of the areas affected by the tsunami through the development of appropriate wastewater collection and treatment systems. The centralised, highly engineered wastewater treatment systems that have been established in Thailand and other South-East Asian countries during the past decades have generally been largely disappointing.

Well, Prof. Hans Brix designed one of the most beautiful treatment wetland plant. This have the shape of a butterfly and a flower.

The wastewater management system comprises a separate wastewater collection system, an underground pumping station, siphon distribution systems, polishing ponds, water reuse storage tanks, and three types of constructed wetlands: vertical subsurface flow wetlands, horizontal subsurface flow wetlands, and free-water surface flow wetlands. The chosen design segments each phase of the treatment process into a different portion of the flower and butterfly, and beautiful flowers, such as Cannae and Heliconia, are planted in the wetlands to make it
aesthetically pleasing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boa noite,

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