Tuesday, August 5, 2014

more on treatment wetland in Alpine climate

as you know and as I have discussed with many readers of this blog I'm managing a wetland system in a Dolomiti's Hut: the Rifugio Bosconero. Dolomiti is UNESCO from 2005 site and is so important to keep the environment clean.
The Bosconero treatment wetland plant was installed in 2004/2005 and after more or less ten years of operation still show a good aspect. Yes, I transplant a lot of plants during the time but the management is an important part of the excellence of this kind of system.
are you able to find the difference beetween the following pictures?

This show the TWs in Bosconero Hut at 1500 m above sea leve in Alpine climate:

This show the TWs in a continental North Italy Plain at 80 m above sea level.

 May be is only the management the key of the success?

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