When I was young...no no no... in 1997 I made a study trip in Florida (USA). It was a umid and typical Florida July (fantastic). I had the opportunity to visit the SFWMD and in particular the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project. This is a component of the Everglades Restoration Program as demonstration treatment area (3800 acres, one of the largest treatment wetland in the world). The ENR project has the following ojectives: 1) reduce the total phosphorus loads and minimize the imbalances in everglades flora and fauna 2) develop design and construction criteria for large scale application of Treatment Wetlands 3) implement optimal nutrient removal technology.
Well, at 1498 m above sea level in the beautiful italian Dolomites (now as UNESCO World Heritage) there is the Casera Bosconero alpine hut. This is locate in Forno di Zoldo municipality and from 2005 is active a treatment wetland. This is part of the project ENERGIANOVA set up by the IMAGE department of Padova University.
Here we build up two horizontal beds, sealed with a double line of bentonite, filled with local gravel, and planted with local mountain species. The beds receive 1 mc/day originated by the maximun 30 persons that can sleep in the hut.
the two beds in 2007
flowering of senecio cordatum's plants in 2010
development of the senecio's plants in 2011 Summer
me with an international wetland conference delegation visiting the site.
Hi, read this useful and good web site http://www.sswm.info/ there are a lot of useful information and "Linking up Sustainable Sanitation, Water Management & Agriculture" as they say in the home page.
By R Kadlec in the Bible of Treatment wetlands (2nd edition):
"The preliminary step in the design of a treatment wetland is to acquire a fundamental understanding of the site of the wetland. Site conditions dictate the physical, chemical, and biological environment of a wetland treatment system. Conditions that should be evaluated during planning of a wetland treatment system include climate, geography, groundwater and its chemistry, soils and geology, rainfall and runoff water chemistry, biology, and socioeconomic factors. The importance of each of these conditions may vary, but all should be investigated to some extent. Detailed studies may be needed to determine the importance of those site conditions that affect technical feasibility."
Well, stated this above how can we design and sizing a treatment wetlands?
It's true, we always need to know where we are! I've a friends in WWG that travel around the world from Africa to Asia, from cold to warm climate location and is really important knowing where we are before starting the wetlands sizing.
The design of subsurface flow wetlands may be roughly divided into two categories: sizing calculations and physical specifications. There are different sizing methodologies for sub surface wetlands. There are also physical considerations, including the number of cells, layout, liners, bed depth, media size, plants, and water level control. It is recognized that subsurface wetlands are not stand-alone treatment devices but rather form part of an overall treatment process (Kadlec 2nd edition, mod.).
Here two photos made in the new school in the community of Um Al Nasser in Gaza Strip. This is an international project coordinated by an Italian ONG Vento di Terra, Arcò and the http://www.mcarchitects.it/
Now 120 student 3 to 6 years old and eight teachers have their beautiful new school and the 850 persons that live in that community have an indirect benefit. This treatment plant was designer by artecambiente srl and me! THAT'S GOOD!
Beautiful treatment wetlands in France directly inside the homegarden (photo by Edwige Le Douarin, Aquatiris, France, 2010, get in Flickr.com). Ecology, green technology, buildings aspects, everythings turn around treatment of wastewater!