Thursday, August 23, 2012


The Floating treatment System allow the wastewater treatment at water level. The wastewaters are usually treated away from the points of origin. The “on water treatment” needs specific floating elements that are vegetated with different species able to extend their roots systems in the water column.
The action of the roots is double: physical filtering of the waters and nutrients uptake. This system is easy to install and to manage during the time.
Usually the floating wetlands can tolerate high water level fluctuations typical of rivers, lakes, canals, etc.
Floating wetlands have also a beautiful aesthetic aspect!
The examples worldwide give a lot of differents ways for realize a floating wetlands. Here below few examples.

image from floating island south east  www.floatingislandse,com

floating islands louisiana

Paine Lake - New Rochelle, N.Y.As recommended by WAC 5
11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control - Floating Treatment Wetlands: an Innovative Option for Stormwater Quality Applications T. R. Headley, C.C. Tanner

Italian tech-ia system floating wetland. underwater roots development

Italian techia system. roots developmemt 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


As you know in Taranto in the South of Italy there is one of the biggest european steel-metal factory (ILVA - Taranto). After many years of strange-trouble management of metal production the italian judgement system start a process to close the factory because during the years they had caused a lot of environmental pollution and human health deseases....
Now United Europe and the board of Ilva will start to finance the improvement  of the production in order to realize a green steel factory !!! 

Also treatment wetland could be used to ameliorate these kind of factory: roofs and floors runoff waters... etc could be trapped and treated! and finally you can obtain treated waters that could be reused in the steel production!

if you are an investor and have in mind that treatment wetland could be the right solution  to do that contact me !

Monday, August 13, 2012

natural wetlands

I'm here in Austria and I found a lot of natural wetlands at 1900, 2300, and more meters above sea level  .... sometime I forget that everything start from these! As stated by the RAMSAR CONVENTION ( wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres ... in particular are also a natural humid environment where water, plants and soil stay together, live together, change and evolve depending on climate, hydology, human impact (see my mountain bike's rear  wheel) etc... enjoy the images below with juncus (the green), eryophorum (the white plume), orchys (the violet), and the carnivorous pinguicola (the pale green) found here in Austria in the area of Fiss: